London Borough of Newham’s temporary agency contract expiry date is quarter 1 2021. This contract is one of the highest value and critical contracts for the Council; particularly in front line, critical services such as children’s and adults social care. The existing managed service provider has been in situ for 8 years and throughout that time have provided a consistently good service to the Council. However, the cost of re-procuring the same supplier to run the managed service was significantly higher than other options available to the Council.
Evolving Solutions were engaged by Newham London in March 2020 to carry out an options appraisal including detailed cost modelling and market engagement to ensure all out-sourced and in-sourced models were explored prior to producing and presenting a very detailed Cabinet paper. Evolving Solutions formed part of the project board which included the HR Director and Head of Procurement to identify the most economically advantageous option but it was also critical the service model and supporting technology would provide an enhanced service to the Council.
Evolving Solutions confidently identified a supplier who would deliver both significant cost savings and an enhanced service model supported by market leading technology. The recommended option presented to Cabinet was accepted and Evolving Solutions are are now managing the robust implementation program with the Newham and supplier teams which is on track to go live on the 15th March 2021. At the outset of the implementation in December 2020, we undertook a challenging negotiation with a key supplier which has resulted in them signing up to to the new managed service provider and continue the supply of a high volume of temporary workers at a significantly reduced margin. Significant savings and service levels are set to be measured and reported from the go-live date